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Reporting on Human Rights and Integrating the SDGs into Sustainability Reporting
ZOOM Meeting Room
7 & 8 February 2023
09:00 - 12:30 (SGT)
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international independent standards organization that helps businesses, governments, and other organizations understand and communicate their impacts on material issues such as climate change, human rights and corruption. More than 80% of world’s leading reporters use GRI Standards as the framework for developing their sustainability reports owing it’s modular and inter-related structure, and step-by-step guidance on communicating sustainability performance.
The updated GRI Universal Standards 2021 requires all organizations using the GRI Standards to report in line with intergovernmental expectations on due diligence for human rights. There is also increasing demand by stakeholder for companies to disclose human rights related impacts to demonstrate accountability.
GRI also supports the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12.6, which encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices and integrate sustainability information into their reporting. This increases transparency in reporting as organizations can understand, communicate, and better manage their contributions to the SDGs.

Perspectives on concepts of human rights and the SDGs and how to incorporate both concepts into sustainability reporting. The training is expected to:
Describe the process for identifying impacts and determining material topics related to human rights
Discuss and apply the disclosures related to human rights
Describe the role of sustainability reporting in enabling sustainable development
Discuss current trends, challenges and opportunities on reporting on the SDGs
Describe the steps to integrate the SDGs into the reporting process
Who Needs to Attend
This course is a prerequisite for the GRI Certified Sustainability Professional Certification Exam after completing the GRI Standards Certified Training Course. This course is also open for all levels of management, sustainability practitioners, corporate communications, legal, academicians, NGOs, etc. However, to fully comprehend the subject matter, we recommend participants to familiarize themselves with the GRI Standards by taking the course ‘Reporting with the GRI Standards – 2021 Update’.
What Is Covered
This course outlines and introduces participants the process for identifying impacts and determining material topics related to human rights and SDGs.
Post completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate directly from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
There will also be a 25% discount on the GRI Standards Exam fee, by GRI for those candidates who successfully complete the course.
Why Train
We have designed this course to support companies and individuals in developing internal expertise with minimal involvement of external support and produce reports that are assurance worthy.
TEMBUSU Asia is an organization embracing UN SDGs, in its efforts to augment sustainability expertise in the region. This training program is being delivered by experienced sustainability advisors who have vast experience in developing reports, conducting trainings in preparing sustainability reports in the region.

Er. Tan Seng Chuan, Trainer
Er. Tan is the Managing Director of TEMBUSU Asia, a leading sustainability consulting company in Asia supporting organisations to fulfil their aspirations of natural resource stewardship, enhanced environmental performance, and sustainable development objectives.
Er. Tan is the Emeritus President of the Institution of Engineers, Singapore, Chairman of Chartered Engineering Board Singapore, Executive Vice President of World Federation of Engineering Organisation, Chairman of Active, Beautiful, Clean Water Professional Program.
Er. Tan is also a GRI Certified Sustainability Professional, Registered Professional Engineer and Chartered Engineer (Environment & Water) in Singapore. His professional experiences covered sustainability, environmental, engineering and program management in the area of sustainability strategy, carbon validation and verification, climate actions and urban resilience planning and development.
Program Plan
Day 1 Session 1 | Reporting on Human Rights |
Introduction and background | Introduction (course information)
Introduction to human rights and human rights reporting
| |
Reporting on human rights | Fundamentals of the GRI Standards |
Reporting expectations and disclosures for human rights set out in the GRI Standards | |
Final take-aways and wrap up | |
Day 2 Session 2 | Integrating the SDGs |
Introduction and background | Introduction (course information) |
The role of business and sustainability reporting in enabling sustainable development | |
Reporting and integrating the SDGs | Reporting on the SDGs: current trends, challenges and opportunities |
Integrating the SDGs into sustainability reporting | |
Final take-aways and wrap up | |
Q&A | |
Feedback session |