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We provide a wide range of programmes for all our student.

The Integrated Programme (IP) is a scheme that allows high-performing students in secondary schools in Singapore to skip the GCE Ordinary Level (O-level) examination (typically taken by students at the end of their fourth or fifth year in secondary school) and proceed to sit for the GCE Advanced Level (A-level)

Optimised Classes – Subject banding specificity

Specifically for students in different streams, we aim to cater our students into a level that will suit them best. Upon our interaction with the students, our teachers will come together to discuss a better teaching strategy or class allocation, so that your child will benefit the best out of their time here.

For instance, if your child has attended special training and would like to further enhance their learning by staying ahead of their school, they will be reallocated to the class where other students are of equivalent learning pace. These students not only gain more exposure to relevant and more challenging questions, but they are also able to benefit in terms of environment and classroom dynamics across different students.

With changes to PSLE grading system, known as full subject-based branding, where subjects are banded according to AL1,2,3 etc, having optimised classes will definitely enhance their learning process.

Full Subject-Based Banding (Full SBB) is part of MOE's ongoing efforts to nurture the joy of learning and develop multiple pathways to cater to the different strengths and interests of our students.

With Full SBB, students are able to learn each subject at the level that best caters to their overall strengths, interests and learning needs.

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