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Onigiri Making Machine SG-3300 Line
Sushi Making Machine Model TRM, TRMSbot Model TSDH
Hand-rolled rice ball (Robo arrangement)
Hand-rolled rice ball (XYZ arrangement)
Hand-rolled rice ball (simple arrangemen)
Kosei KA Model
Kosei KY-KL Model
Kosei KAW-G Model
X2 Lean Wash Center®
Chokumaki rice ball Save 2 packing line
Sandwich rice ball line proposal for saving 3 worker
Daily lunch box rice for labor saving
Inari sushi production save 2 workers (WIT-K+WIT)
Lavor-saving work (SGI)
Bento platter for labor -saving line
Seaweed rolls
Bento platter proposal to save 2 works (KBGU + BTY)
Bento platter proposal to save works (KBGU + BTY) option added